Submit papers
Submitting Papers
Thank you to everyone for submitting papers, it is clear that this is going to be a very interesting symposium, with lots to hear about and discuss. We have received a wide-reaching snap shot of the research out there and we are happy to say that we have reached our quota. Therefore submissions for this year’s symposium are now closed.
We have a selection of papers that explore Forest School and its potential or reported effects from a multitude of disciplines including but not exclusively psychology, education, wellbeing, sociology, physiology, ecology, geography, outdoor learning, and landscape design. We are very excited to hear all about them.
Submission Deadlines
Posters should be A1 if they are in landscape but can be A0 if they are prtrait in aspect. They should be easy to read from around 1.5 meters away.
We recommend that title text be 90-150pts, BOLD and readable from 3m away.
Paragraph text should be between 26 and 32pts and a sans serif font, no text should be smaller than 24pts.
Section or column headings should be at least 4 pts larger than paragraph text and bold, or semi bold
Images and graphs need to be at least 13cm x 15cm to be easily seen and understood.
Image originals should be at least 300 DPI (dots per inch) so they are scalable and are clear when you print your poster.
Please use clear captions under each picture
Colour is an important part of poster presentation, please ensure that the text is still clear when choosing your colour, this is called text contrast. If you are using a background colour or images you can test the contrast of the colour at .
The text should flow from the top left to bottom right in columns as shown below (where possible following steps 1 – 7), with the title and presenter name at the top.