As an organisation we have open membership, which means that anyone can join the FSA. The FSA brand and image must be protected, so it can only be used by the FSA organisation and not by individual members. This is also true of other, similar, membership organisations such as the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts. Members are welcome to say that they are members of the FSA, and that they have signed up to the FSA Members’ Code of Conduct, but the actual logo belongs to the organisation.
At this time only FSA Recognised Forest School Providers and FSA Registered/Endorsed Forest School Trainers may use a version of the logo in their badges. Official FSA partners are allowed to use the logo to show that the FSA endorses them.

You are welcome to use the FSA logo on your website if you are creating a link to the FSA website. This may be for the purpose of signposting or even for showing your support for the organisation. However, you must not do this in a way that implies that your provision is endorsed by the FSA (for instance by adding it to marketing materials, alongside course details, or within the header/footer of your website).