The Forest School Association is the professional body and UK wide voice for Forest School, promoting best practice, cohesion and ‘quality Forest School for all‘.
Our charitable purpose
“The advancement of education for public benefit through promotion and support of quality Forest School in the United Kingdom using any means to enable all children, young people and adults to benefit from increased opportunities for high quality and varied educational experiences in the natural world.”
To do this we:
- Communicate a strong, clear vision of what Forest School is.
- Develop and maintain the curriculum content for approved Forest School qualifications.
- Work together to increase opportunities for people to experience quality Forest School in the UK.
- Provide a central point for collecting, storing and sharing information about Forest School and good practice in Forest School (including notes on good practice, advice on choosing leaders, and advice on choosing trainers.
- Stimulate, store and share practitioner and academic research and learn from it.
- Work collaboratively with other organisations with similar goals and in related areas.
Who can join?
We are an inclusive, forward-looking and democratic membership organisation. We are open to all levels of Forest School professional and all those interested in providing and growing opportunities for people to experience quality Forest School within our UK nations.
How will we work towards ensuring high quality?
As a self-governing professional body we will work with approved training providers to deliver FSA endorsed Forest School courses and Forest School qualifications.
We endorse training providers who meet the criteria for good practice.
We provide publicly accessible information about FSA recognised organisations that deliver Forest School.
Please join our efforts to ensure a future of quality Forest School for all in the UK. You’ll be part of an active, focused community, and there are also a growing number of specific member benefits.