The FSA used to have a member map that members could ask to be added to. Members with Level 3 Forest School qualifications could also have these verified by the FSA and then be added to a public facing map of Forest School Leaders.

The process to get on these maps was a little complicated and they were quite labour intensive for us to manage. When the FSA Recognised Forest School Provider Scheme was launched the other maps were removed from the public facing side of the website and were not maintained.

Members obviously want to be recognised as being part of our community. All FSA members agree to promote the 6 principles of Forest School and follow the FSA code of conduct for members. This commitment should be recognised. However, not all members are eligible for, or are yet able to gain, FSA recognition as Forest School Providers or as Forest School Trainers. We have reviewed this situation and are now offering an easy way for members to appear on a public facing map of FSA members (right on the FSA website homepage).

This new FSA Member Map will show details of all types of FSA member. Different icons will show the membership type associated with your marker on the map. FSA Recognised Forest School Providers and FSA Registered/Endorsed Trainers will have their markers added automatically as part of their successful application. All other members must decide whether or not to upload their map marker. They may do this themselves by clicking on the link below.


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