The first three FSA Recognised Forest School Providers have been added to the map/database on our website.
We had a soft launch of this scheme last month so as to give us time to try to iron out the bugs. The first cohort have helped us greatly in this regard but I am sure that there will be further tweaks required as we go.
The FSA has a role in encouraging good Forest School practice. Although this is not a quality assurance scheme, the application is an involved process and, as we have seen, application does not mean automaticĀ FSA recognition. Some applicants have been asked for further evidence to support their application and some may need to make significant changes to their practice before coming back to us. However, we hope that everyone who has applied so far has found the feedback offered to be of use.
We have had quite a bit of interest shown in the scheme. Lisa Pearce, our development officer, is currently going through the next batch of applications and we have received another 15 notifications of intent to apply.
If you are interested in learning more the application process page may be seen here.
Gareth Davies