Name of Organisation (Employer): Eglinton Primary School and Early Years Centre
Position being advertised (Job title): Outdoor Learning and Forest School Leader
Location (where is this job based?): Eglinton Primary School & Early Years Centre, London SE18 3PY
Salary (per week, month, year OR negotiable, not applicable): Grade 4 /Negotiable
Job description: To take on a lead role in outdoor learning including Forest School. Experience in forest School delivery is desirable however not essential as appropriate training can be offered. You need to enjoy and have a creative flair for outdoor learning and be willing to work outside in all weather conditions. You will be responsible for planning, leading and evaluating outdoor learning and forest schools sessions, working closely with class teachers in planning and developing programmes for outdoor learning and aiming to develop children’s skills.
Person specification : Must be ICT literate, experienced, self-motivated, have good knowledge of and enjoy the natural world. A minimum of Level 3 Teaching Assistant or higher preferably with forest school or appropriate outdoor learning training. Applicants with forest school training who have appropriate skills and experience are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of planning lessons, recording processes and the ability to engage and motivate children and teachers is essential. Good level of written and spoken English essential.
Any other information: Applicants are welcome to visit the school. Make an appointment by email or telephone, between 8am – 5.30pm.
Explain how applicants should contact you / apply: Email – For further information please email [email protected] or telephone 0208 854 6917
To Apply: Download application pack from
Completed application forms to be returned by email, post or handed into school office
Closing date for applications : 9th July 2014