by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Activity Idea, Craft Skills, Practical skills
Homemade bowsaw Using homemade bowsaw! How to make your very own Bowsaw for just the price of a blade
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Activity Idea, Craft Skills, Practical skills
During the year I store any wire coat hangers left over from dry cleaning on top of the wardrobe (coat hangers can take on a life of their own when you try storing them). Then by December I have enough to demonstrate the Christmas wreath. I have also spoken nicely...
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Activity Idea, Campfire Cooking, Practical skills
scouting recipes scouting recipes 2nd Ed
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Article, Planning and delivering Forest School
By Jon Cree. Published in Horizons, Summer 2009, Institute of Outdoor Learning [wpfilebase tag=file id=17 /]
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Activity Idea, Guidance Note, Planning and delivering Forest School
The benefits of tree climbing are enormous. Being off the ground provides children with the opportunity to challenge themselves whilst having fun and exercise. Climbing trees brings children into close contact with nature and some children will find being in trees...
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Article, Learning and development
Mindfulness and Forest School – article by Jon Cree
by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Case Study, Learning and development
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by Gareth Davies | 2 Mar, 2017 | Article, Learning and development
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