Notice of FSA AGM 2023

Details of the 2023 AGM for FSA members only. We notice that we have been receiving a large number of ‘bouncebacks’ from members’ emails recently so please sign into the website to view this message if you have not received it by email. The following...

2022 conference booklet

We are delighted to share the 2022 National Forest School Conference booklet. This is a resource for people attending the conference in Danbury, Essex. It contains some great material, so we are making it publically available. Conference booklet...

Schools Bill – advice to FSA members

We are very grateful to FSA Trustees and members who have given their time to assess the possible impact of the proposed Schools Bill on the Forest School sector. Their initial advice may be found below and this will be added to as needed. UPDATE 01/07/22 Amended...

Article: The Nature Premium campaign

The Institute of Outdoor Learning has kindly agreed to allow us to share their article on the Nature Premium campaign. The campaign started out life as an idea during a ‘let’s put our heads together to solve a problem’ meeting of the FSA board. We...

Election of Trustees 2022

The FSA is managed by a board that can have up to twelve full members on it at any one time. There will be five vacant positions on the board at the 2022 AGM. This year two existing Trustees will be re-standing for election because their term is up. In addition, we...

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