994397_685424088157801_911698840_n1Name of Organisation (Employer): Learning in the Woods

Position being advertised (Job title): Forest School Leader

Salary (per week, month, year OR negotiable, not applicable): £10-15 per hour

Location (where is this job based?): Warrington

Job description: To start early 2015, we are looking for a qualified level 3 forest school leader for part-time work, initially 1 or 2 days per week, but as our business develops we aim to ultimately create a full-time or more part-time positions.  This is an exciting time and an opportunity for the right person to shape their role and represent themselves and Learning in the Woods in a professional and caring way.

The successful applicant will work within schools delivering programmes of forest school or outdoor education.  He or she will also be involved in delivering after-school clubs and may organise and run some weekend group sessions.

You will be a dynamic and caring person who is fully committed to the ethos of forest school and passionate about providing children with a quality and memorable experience.  You will connect children with nature and be creative in your approach with a balance of adult led optional activities and engaging with and scaffolding child led learning, using their interests to provide them with a positive learning experience.

You will shadow me for the first few weeks, learning about our ethos and the way we do things through on the job training before running your own programmes of sessions.

We currently work with a wide range of ages and schools, from EYFS to secondary BESD.  The right candidate will be able to have some choice over their assigned groups, but must have their own transport and be able to transport equipment to and from sites.  All equipment will be provided.

This post is subject to an enhanced DBS check

Please visit http://learninginthewoods.co.uk/jobs/ for full job description, person specification and more information.

Explain how applicants should contact you / apply: Send a C.V. and covering letter to [email protected]

Closing date for applications : Friday 5th December 2014

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