Name of Organisation (Employer): Wensum Junior School
Position being advertised (Job title): Forest Schools Leader
Salary (per week, month, year OR negotiable, not applicable): £50 for one 2 hour afternoon session a week for 14 weeks
Location (where is this job based?): Norwich, Norfolk
Job description: To work with a Year 6 class. The class of 28 will be divided into 2 groups of 14, with each group doing a 7 week block of Forest Schools.
Person specification : To be experienced with working with upper Ks2 children. To enjoy motivating and inspiring children across the range of ability and confidence. To be clear, confident, fair, with good behaviour management skills.
Any other information: This would be a pilot project for the school. If it is successful it could well be introduced across the school.
Explain how applicants should contact you / apply: Via email [email protected]
Closing date for applications : Thursday 18th September 2014
Having a laugh for £50
£50 for a two hour session?? Is that really the going rate??