Salary: negociable

Location: Richmond, Surrey

Job description:

• Act as key worker to a group of children
• Keep up to date records of achievement that are shared with parents used as a basis for planning
• Work alongside other staff, plan, develop and carry out a range of age-appropriate activities.
• Liaise with parents/carers and other staff
• Undertake certain domestic jobs (e.g. preparing for some meals and snacks, cleaning of equipment, clearing away of equipment and ensuring that health and safety requirements are met)
• Be willing to attend training and development courses
• Attend regular staff meetings

Part time 8.00 – 14.00

Person specification : We are looking for motivated personalities who are passionate about working outdoors and bringing the joys of nature closer to children. The perfect applicant has experience working with children aged 2 – 5 and adequate early years training. English speaking.

KISH Kindergarten is a small, private, German full daycare setting with a rural surrounding outside Richmond, Surrey. Through the location we have established a great concept and ethos based on outdoor learning and language. In January we will expand to open an English setting with the same outdoor concept and nature pedagogy.

Applicants should apply with a cover letter and a CV by email to [email protected]

Closing date for applications : 30th November 2013

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