Photo by Stephan Vance on Unsplash

Wanted! Forest School Leaders in Somerset Area

Eden Senescall is chair of the Somerset Childminding Association who are holding a Conference on Saturday 18th November entitled ‘Children leading the way in Outdoor play’.

They are looking for Forest School Leaders who are able to provide a training session highlighting the importance of allowing and encouraging children to become independent learners around the theme of outdoors.

The training should link to the EYFS and should be inspiring for the attendees whilst encouraging them themselves to be creative in the activities they provide.

The attendees will be split into 2 groups after the arrival welcome of approx 25/30 each and the sessions should include an activity, something hands on. This should last for around 90 minutes. The same session would be delivered in the afternoon to the second group of delegates.

If you live in or near Somerset and would be interested, please email [email protected] 

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