Voting members (not student members or members who have not paid their membership fees) may use the following method to vote in the 2013 election for directors to sit on the board of the Forest School Association. At the same time they can vote on the proposed change to our articles of association, which will reduce the maximum number of directors from 22 to 12.
Instructions If you have any problems please contact the FSA office (details below)
1. Use your username and password to log onto the FSA website from the home page.
If you have forgotten your password you can request to get a link to create a new one so long as you know your username and email address (using a link just under the login area on the home page). If you have any problems in logging on please contact the office on 01228564407 or [email protected]. Remember, student members and members who have not paid their membership fees will be unable to vote (you can pay your membership fees before the end of the election and then vote).
2. Once logged in, go to your account area (hover over ‘Howdy, YOUR NAME’) and then go to ‘Profile’ at the very bottom of the dropdown list. From there you go to ‘Edit’.
‘Howdy, YOUR NAME’ -> ‘Profile’ at bottom of drop down -> Edit
3. Voting starts near the top of your personal profile. Please select from the list of drop down menus to vote for:
a, directors
b, specific positions on the board of directors
c, the proposed change to our articles of association
4. Save your selections using the ‘save changes’ button at the very bottom of the screen
You can change your selections at anytime up to the end of the election, which is 5pm on 11th October.