Dear FSA Members,
As a follow up to the announcement of the winner of the FSA Logo Competition I should just add a few words about how the logo will be used (by who and where). As an organisation we have open membership, which means that anyone can join the FSA. The FSA brand and image must be protected, so for the moment it will only be used by the FSA organisation. This is also true of other, similar, membership organisations such as the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts. In the future it is expected that the FSA will register those practitioners who meet our criteria of good FS practice (these are being worked up at the moment). At that point we will probably have a version of the logo that registered practitioners can use for their promotion and publicity materials. At the moment there is nothing to stop individuals stating that they are members of the FSA but the actual logo belongs to the organisation. I only mention it as I have already had a few enquiries from FSA members who are FS Leaders wanting to add the FSA logo to their branding materials. It is great that they are keen and supportive but need to be clear from the start how it can be used.
Best wishes,
I think this is very clear, and gives us guidance about ptrotecting this very important resource.