Please note that only FSA members can access the page where these talks can be seen and heard. If you are a member please login to the website before trying to access this page.
Tim Gill and Margot Sunderland give the keynote talks at the FSA national conference 2013
FSA members can now listen to the excellent talks given by Tim Gill and Margot Sunderland at the national Forest School conference earlier this month. I have listened to both talks again and taken away even more than I did the first time around. Tim is one of the UK’s leading thinkers on childhood, and an effective advocate for positive change in children’s everyday lives. Margot explains the relationship between Forest School and the most up-to-date psychological and brain science research on how children and young people can be enabled to thrive. They are both of international standing and the cost to hear each of them speak individually is usually much more than the cost of FSA membership so I hope that non members understand why we are making this accessible to members only. You can join the FSA for just £25 through our website. Members can access the talks on this page (remember to log in first).