Recognised Provider webinars

We offer free, half-termly webinars for people considering applying to the FSA Recognised FS Provider Scheme. Attendance at, and engagement in, one of these meetings is a mandatory part of the application process. You will not be eligible to pay and apply until you have attended. The main Level 3 Forest School Leader at your setting will be the person who completes the application; this person needs to attend this initial webinar and the video consultation that happens later in the application process. If you have other colleagues or Leaders who also wish to attend the webinar/video consultation, they may.

The webinars will be hosted by Scheme Coordinator Nell Seal and another member of the FSA. The maximum duration will be one hour. In the first half of the meeting we will share information about the scheme and in the second part there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Most often we will be able to answer your questions there and then but on occasion we may need to refer to our Working Group and come back to you at a later date.

Please browse the dates/times below and click on the link to register your planned attendance.

Monday 7th October 1900-2000

Saturday 9th November 1000-1100

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