Michael Gove shows support for Forest School and makes a case for schools to have ‘contact with the natural world’ at the heart of their curriculum, see http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/02/nature-belongs-at-the-heart-of-school-life/ for more details.
Michael Gove shows support for Forest School
by An-Ex-Member | 14 Mar, 2014 | Members' news, News | 7 comments
Still very much focussed on the idea that the only real knowledge worth having is that transferred by adults to children…
What???? For once the man is talking sense. Can this be for real?
What???? For once the man is talking sense. Can this be for real?
If Gove is showing support I would be concerned he wanted something.
If Gove is showing support I would be concerned he wanted something.