FSA Norfolk Launch
Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Holt, United Kingdom
Register your attendance (£2 donation requested for refreshments and towards venue)
This day is an opportunity for all practitioners local to Norfolk, with an interest in Forest School to come together to form a local group with the aim of being formally affiliated to the Forest School Association (the new national, not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote & celebrate quality Forest School for all in the UK). The local group is envisioned to be a network run by members for members. We hope that people will bring ideas to the group about how they would like the network to be run and developed.
A brief History of Forest School in Norfolk
Forest School projects in Norfolk have been piloted and promoted since 2004. In 2007 Norfolk County Council’s Environmental & Outdoor Learning team contracted a Forest School Coordinator (Louise Ambrose) 4 days a month to help develop the strategy to promote Forest School, build capacity and support leaders. It was decided as a strategy to focus on facilitating training (rather than to provide Forest School services directly) so schools/settings/organisations could sustain Forest School programmes in the long term and much funding was available in the early days. At present we estimate there are about 120 practitioners in Norfolk who have undertaken the level 3 qualification and over 500 who have done a level 1 (introductory course). Part of the coordination role was to encourage and support networking, CPD and sharing of practice amongst the local Forest School community, historically we would have 3-6 meetings a year for Forest School leaders which were free of charge. Due to changes in local authority remits, unfortunately funding has decreased to support this kind of activity. Luckily, last year the Forest School Association (FSA) was established with an aim to support quality Forest School across the UK, and is working on how to support groups at a local level. It seemed like a logical step to try to link to the FSA and the national support it could offer as a means of getting a new local group off the ground. We are lucky in Norfolk to have some very keen and passionate Forest School practitioners who have supported and developed this idea for the last year. And will welcome any new practitioners out there who would like to be involved.
For more information about Norfolk CC Forest School please visit:www.schools.norfolk.gov.uk/outdoorlearning (and click on ‘Forest School’)
For more information about the Forest School Association (FSA) please visit www.forestschoolassociation.org
The Launch of FSA Norfolk – Saturday 28th Sept
This will be the first meeting and (hopefully!) the formation of this new local group. Anyone with an interest in Forest School is welcome to attend, but please note that only FSA members will be able to vote on issues (such as electing local officers and constitutions) and stand for election. You can join the FSA via their website above (currenly costs £25) and practitioners currently undertaking Forest School training (of any level) can get free membership for a year (see FSA website).
Proposed plan for day:
- Welcome & introductions
- Brief History of Forest School in Norfolk & the FSA.
- Exploring the need for a local group – it’s aims, vision and management
- Election of local officers/ steering group – it will be key to developing the local group that some keen people step forward to help steer the development of the group. Any FSA member can stand for election, and we would encourage people to consider this if they feel they can give some time to its development. It is likely that we will ask people to say a few words about themselves and how they see the group developing before a vote takes place.
- Agreeing a constitution for the group
- Proposing logistics and activities for the group, methhods of communicating, raising funds & action planning
After the hard work is done we’re sure there still will be some time for:
- Networking and discussions & drinking tea round the campfire
- News & updates from members
- Perhaps some skill sharing
- Checking out the beautiful woodland at Holt Hall
Holt Hall Field Studies & Outdoor Learning Centre have kindly allowed us use of their beautiful woodland for this event. Please find a map on their website here:http://www.holthall.norfolkedunet.gov.uk/map.html
Please park on the old tennis courts (on the right hand side of the driveway when you approach the hall). We will meet you at the car park 10am so we can walk down to the woods together (only a short 5 mins walk).
We are asking for a voluntary donation on the day of £2 per person, which will go towards the use of venue, refreshments & photocopying. As this is a new group, we currently do not have any funds and all organisers time is given voluntarily.
- We will be based in the woods ALL DAY
- We have access to the campsite Loo’s but no indoor room space
- We will keep a campfire going and hot drinks a
- If its raining we’ll rig a parachute as a shelter
- As this is primarily a networking and planning type event we regret that children cannot attend on this occassion. Hopefully some future events will be developed as ‘family friendly’.
You will need to bring on the day:
- Outdoor clothing & waterproofs – please make sure you have enough layers of clothing to be comfortable and full waterproofs! We will be outside ALL DAY (we have no access to indoor space) but we will have a campfire and rig a big shelter if its raining.
- Packed Lunch, Drink and mug – We will have tea/coffee etc available via campfire.
- Notebook, camera and pen – if you want to make any notes etc
- Folding camp chair if you would like to be more comfortable – although there are many logs that can be used as slightly harder seating!
Contingency plan in case of bad weather or cancellation:
If the weather turns a bit extreme and it is unsafe to travel or due to any unforeseen circumstances we will cancel the day and reschedule it. If this happens I will call or text you in the morning by 8.30am. That being the case please could you ensure that you have given a mobile or home phone number that could be used for that purpose when booking your place.
Contact us
Please contact us via email if you have any questions – [email protected]