The FSA is a company limited by guarantee (not-for-profit) (Certificate of incorporation) and a registered Charity (Registered Charity Number: 1155616).

We are governed by our Memorandum and Articles of Association.

As a democratic membership organisation with one member one vote, the members vote for the board of directors. The directors have legal responsibility for the governance of the organisation and are responsible for oversight of operations and delivery of strategy.

Work areas are developed by a number of specific working groups, which are lead by board members but which can call on and include any FSA member with the right set of skills.

The board members and working groups are supported by an organisation development officer responsible for developing membership numbers, member services, the website and the fundraising strategy.

Organisation administration is provided by the Institute for Outdoor Learning.

Members of the public may contact the FSA for further information about Forest School in the UK. Enquiries relating to local questions will be directed to local, regional and national endorsed and supported FSA groups.

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Forest School Association
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