Download FSA local groups agreement – final May 14
Forest School Association (FSA) Local Groups Agreement
The following document outlines the formal agreement between the Forest School Association (“FSA”) and the local group FSA [INSERT REGION] (“the group”).
FSA will:
1. Allow the group to use the ‘Forest School Association/FSA’ brand as part of the group name.
2. Provide the group with a modified local group FSA logo for them to use in their branding and publicity.
3. Provide and maintain online services for groups to self manage and moderate. This includes online ‘groups’ (which can be open or closed), events listings, file sharing, group emailing facilities.
4. List and promote the group’s events and activities for free on the FSA website, Newsletters and associated social media.
5. Encourage communication with FSA and between local groups through a Working Group and named FSA director responsible for Local Groups.
6. Support & advise local groups where needed as appropriate, including representation at a national level.
7. Give groups any relevant paid services at a reduced rate (such as administrative services for events).
8. Promote quality Forest School for all, by supporting the FSAs aims, objects and membership code of conduct.
9. Be an autonomous, self-managing not-for-profit organisation that has operational and management systems which encourage participation & cooperation between members and is democratic in its decision making.
10. Elect a committee/steering group including executive officers of: Chair person, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The group will inform FSA of the names and contact details of their current executive officers.
11. Nominate one of the elected officers to link with FSA via the working group.
12. Adopt a constitution that has shared interests with FSA and which is fit for purpose. The group will provide FSA with an up to date copy of the document.
Company Limited by Guarantee Number: 8164851 Registered Charity No: 1155616
Telephone: 01228 564407 Email: [email protected]
13. Consist of FSA members only and allow any current FSA member (who is eligible) to join the group. (NB. The group may choose to run events that are open to non-members, however decisions about the group should be open to members only).
14. Hold members meetings, including an Annual General Meeting, where all the group’s members are welcome to attend.
15. Provide minutes of meetings and an annual report summarising the group’s activities and make these documents available to their members and to FSA.
16. Use the FSA website as a tool for group administration & communication. The group will nominate ‘admins’ to undertake this role and moderate that content is appropriate within their online groups.
17. Ensure that all its activities are appropriately insured.
18. Manage its own finances appropriately and according to UK law.
19. Ensure that all legal requirements for the group’s activities are adhered to (this may include considering aspects Health & Safety, Data Protection, Equality & Diversity, Safeguarding Children etc).
20. Seek advice and guidance from FSA if needed.
Nulling the Agreement:
21. Either party can withdraw from this agreement at any time by informing the other in writing and providing reasoning. After this decision all benefits and connections from the agreement will be dissolved by both parties.
22. In the event of the group disbanding completely (decided by a majority vote of 2 thirds of its members) the group agrees to pass any assets to FSA to benefit the wider Forest School community.
23. In the unlikely event of a dispute arising between the group and the FSA an independent arbiter will be identified to support mediation between the parties.
Signed on behalf of the Local Group: ………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………… (Chair person)
Signed on behalf of FSA: ……………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………
Name: …………………………………………………………………… Role: ………………………………………………………………