Welcome to our 20th approved provider and our first recognised provider in Surrey, Grayswood Nursery and Forest School based in Haslemere.
“We are delighted to be approved as a Recognised Forest School Provider. Our passion for the rewards of the Forest School ethos has grown organically over the past seven years. It started very much as a weekly activity. Very soon the developmental benefits began to filter into every other aspect of our Early Years aims and objectives. And now it is not an activity but an overarching guiding philosophy. It’s reach is unlimited. Each cohort raises the bench-mark illustrating the amazing potential available to be released once children are provided with the environment and opportunity to flourish.
For us FS is more than simply a few hours each week in the magnificence of nature and the great outdoors: it is about the holistic development of each individual, be they child or adult, and how we can provide the environment for establishing firm foundations which inspire us when indoors as well as out. And it is about providing the tools needed to build a foundation to learn and thrive: emotionally, environmentally, physical, academically
We took the decision to apply to become a FSA Recognised Provider because we felt it important to illustrate the level of quality we strive to deliver – so many people say they ‘do FS’ but stop when the weather is a little challenging or when other things take priority. Forest School IS our priority because it is provides the best holistic opportunities for the children in our care: to us that is simply all that matters.
The process of assessment was rigorous leaving no element of practice unchallenged but that was, in itself, very supportive. We had the opportunity to demonstrate what we do, challenge ourselves as to the reasons for some of our practice and to reflect upon how FS and Early Years practice interweave. Thank you Lisa for all the support you provided, it was refreshing to be kept in the loop once we had made our submission rather than hanging waiting for a reply!” GRAYSWOOD STAFF