Elly Dolan: candidate, director elections 2015

Name:…Elly Dolan……………………………………………………………………………


(If you are involved with any organisation – please state the name of the organisation and position held).

Sector Experience/Skills (please rate each from 0 to 3: 0 = no experience, 1 = general background/experience, 2 = Strong relevant experience, 3 = direct relevant experience):

Sector Experience 0 1 2 3
Early Years Forest School x
Primary Years Forest School x
Secondary Years Forest School x
Special Needs Forest School x
Play Sector x
Environmental Organisations involvement with Forest School x
County Council Forest School x
Academic Research for Forest School/Higher Education x
Outdoor learning x
Forest/Woodland management x
Forest School Training x
Other (please specify)
Media/Communications including social media x
Business/Marketing x
Fundraising x
Events x
Public Speaking x
Other (please specify)

Please indicate which role you would like to apply – job descriptions for the Treasurer and Company Secretary are attached.



Post I would like to apply for this post on the FSA Board  (please tick)
Director – Company Secretary
Director – Treasurer
Director – Without Portfolio x

Please tell us a bit about yourself (max 500 words), including;

  • Why you are standing for FSA directorship?

I am now at a period in time personally and professionally where I can offer my commitment to the FSA

I fully believe in the ethos of Forest School for all and the drive that the FSA has to see this become a reality. I want to play a larger role in a dynamic organisation which is working to raise the profile of forest Schools and standardise best practice.

I feel that my own experiences of working within the profession will be of service and I have genuine desire to become more involved with the activities and decision making processes of the FSA

  • Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)

I am a Qualified Forest School leader and have first-hand experience of delivering and managing Forest School provision. I believe forest school is beneficial for all and as so have worked with a wide range of participants including early years, primary, excluded young people, home educating families, those suffering from mental distress and long term unemployed. I have delivered forest school sessions in a wonderful variety of locations ranging from bare school fields where helpful caretakers have helpfully ‘tidied the site up for my arrival (thoughtfully removing leaves, sticks, seating, logs etc (…!) to an inner city grave yard!

I am also Forest School trainer and a member of the trainer’s network and I feel privileged to be in a position to be able to encourage and support other professionals into Forest School practice.

  • How you personally can benefit the FSA.

I have been involved in Community Development for over 20 years. As a volunteer, project worker, project co-ordinator and now as Director of my own company.  I network widely and I am happy to run practical workshops and deliver presentations or work strategically. I have served on charity and CIC boards and have been a school governor.

I feel that over the years I have experienced many areas of working within Forest School, the pressures of undertaking the level 3 qualification when having a family and job, the setting up and publicising of services, insurance, persuading land owners to allow access, employing staff, developing strategies to help other educators understand and respect Forest School practice. I do feel that I can help and assist with questions and queries and have a real understanding and empathy for the opportunities and challenges Forest School Leaders face.

I have successfully written and applied for funding and LA tenders and I feel this is knowledge and ability to look at revenue streams would be of benefit to the FSA.

I am a mixed bag of community development desires and wishes with a realistic business head which will work to ensure the sustainability of projects and developments.

I am a true democratic worker and would be honoured to work with other Forest School Association members to gather and represent their views

  • Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.

I am the Director of Natural Choice Training Solutions Ltd and Co – director of Natural Choice Enterprise Ltd. We provide a range of training which does include Forest School training and Forest School First Aid

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