Whether you’re thinking of planting for commemoration or remembrance, for shade or shelter, for food or for wildlife, or for other reasons the Woodland Trust is once again offering communities, youth groups and schools the chance to apply for packs of free trees for delivery in November 2014. (Closing date 4 September 2014)
We have over 4000 packs to give away in autumn and they come in three sizes – 30 saplings, 105 saplings and 420 saplings in various themes (hedge, copse, wildlife, wild harvest, year-round colour, working wood, wild wood and wetland). You can apply for more than one pack and theme with 420 saplings being the maximum quantity. You can find out more about them and apply online at www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/freetrees but I’d advise groups to apply sooner rather than later as the free packs are extremely popular and we may have to close early.
Watch our short video clip to find out why thousands of community groups and schools across the UK have been digging in to plant free tree packs in their neighbourhood.
Below is our current community tree packs leaflet – please feel free to forward it to any group who might be interested, add it to your website or include it in your newsletter – many thanks to those who have already helped to spread the word!
If you’re interested in planting on a larger scale or on private land our MOREwoods scheme might be of interest – the scheme will cover up to 60 per cent of the cost and landowners are being urged to sign up now.