CERTA becomes the latest Awarding Body to apply for and gain FSA support by adopting the additional requirements, endorsed by the FSA, for Centres and Trainers wishing to deliver Forest School courses in the UK. Five of the nine Awarding Bodies that are offering awards in Forest School qualifications, listed on the QCF, are now supported by the FSA. These are OCNWMR, AptEd, AIM Awards, NOCN and now CERTA. We have had useful talks with the remaining four and anticipate others making the necessary changes to their qualification specifications in the next few months.
More information providing context for this news: UK Awarding Bodies offering Forest School qualifications (news item December 2014)
The FSA endorsed minimum requirements for Forest School Trainers entering the sector are fast becoming the industry standard. This does not imply FSA endorsement of the trainers but it does raise the bar a little higher for initial entry and should contribute to our purpose of encouraging quality Forest School for all.