by Gareth Davies | 25 Apr, 2023 | Members' news, News
FSA members may read the FSA’s 2022 – 2023 annual report below. This is released in advance of the AGM on Saturday 29th April. Please don’t forget to vote in the election – although there are more places than candidates this year, candidates...
by Gareth Davies | 18 Apr, 2023 | Members' news, News
The FSA is managed by a board that can have up to twelve full members on it at any one time. There will be seven vacant positions on the board at the 2023 AGM. This year three existing Trustees will be re-standing for election because their term is up. In addition, we...
by Gareth Davies | 31 Mar, 2023 | Members' news, News
Details of the 2023 AGM for FSA members only. We notice that we have been receiving a large number of ‘bouncebacks’ from members’ emails recently so please sign into the website to view this message if you have not received it by email. The following...
by Nic Harding | 19 Jan, 2023 | Guidance Note, KB tag, Members' news, News
Tragedy and legal repercussions By Sarah Lawfull FSA Chair and FSA Endorsed Trainer Last week Newcastle City Council was found negligent in failing to carry out remedial works on a willow tree in a school playground with tragic consequences. A six-year-old girl...
by Nic Harding | 11 Jan, 2023 | Members' news, News
Caylin Gans Reading Growing a Forest School from the roots up was like having the privilege of sitting around the fire with a group of knowledgeable and experienced Forest School leaders and trainers I look up to (and some of whom I know personally!). I could hear...
by Nic Harding | 25 Oct, 2022 | Members' news, News, Wednesday Webinars
Want to boost your native tree ID skills this winter? Do you struggle to know your alders from your elders? James Kendall, Bushcraft Instructor, Forest School Leader and author of The Complete Tree ID Course, will be our guest presenter for this live webinar where you...
by Nic Harding | 15 Sep, 2022 | Members' news, News
Link to register for the In the thicket – No Fear with Tim Gill The debate about risk and outdoor play and learning has moved on in recent years, with Forest School at the forefront of a more risk-positive ethos. Yet anxieties and unanswered questions remain. Does...
by Nic Harding | 2 Sep, 2022 | Conference, Members' news, News, Uncategorized
This year’s conference lineup is absolutely fantastic, your biggest problem is going to be choosing which of these fantastic workshops you want to book! Workshop bookings have gone live and places are booking up fast. So don’t delay, book your conference...
by Gareth Davies | 11 Jul, 2022 | Members' news, News
With the help of Margaret Armitage and our friends at AdventurePlus we have been able to offer this invaluable service to our members for the last five years. It has proved very popular and successful, with over 150 applications in the last year. Unfortunately, our...