The following people have put themselves forward to stand for a position of Forest School Association director in the 2013 election. The candidates have answered a series of questions so that members may know a bit more about them. A resolution is being proposed by the current board, which if passed by the members, will reduce the size of the FSA board of directors from 21 to 12. Further information about this resolution.
We have received 11 applications for a position of director. This means that, if the resolution is passed and all candidates are elected, there will be one vacant position on the board. Clearly, the election will not be a competitive process. However, an election rule says that a candidate must receive at least 25% of the vote in order to take up a position (this does not mean 25% of the membership but 25% of the members who vote must vote for them). The purpose of this rule is to ensure that directors are acceptable to a significant proportion of the membership. In this election voting members will have the opportunity to say whether a candidate is either acceptable or unacceptable.
There are 4 ‘director with portfolio positions to be filled. These are Chair, Deputy Chair, Company Secretary, and Treasurer. There are no candidates for the position of treasurer and so the elected board must decide which of their number will fill this position. There is only one candidate for each of the other three positions. Again, voting members will vote for whether the candidate is acceptable or unacceptable for this role.
The vote itself will be done through the FSA website in such a way as only eligible voting members will be able to vote. Members who have not paid their membership fees this year and members who have joined the FSA through the ‘free membership for 12 months for FS trainees’ scheme are not eligible to vote. Full details on how to vote. The election will end and the votes collected on 11th October at 5pm. This is the day before the AGM and national conference, where the results will be announced. The results will also be published on the website.
The candiates are as follows:
Jonathan Cree: standing for the position of Chair
Aline Hill: standing for the position of Deputy Chair
Clair Hobson: standing for the position of Company Secretary
Jane Acton: standing as a director without portfolio
Louise Ambrose: standing as a director without portfolio
Chris Brunton: standing as a director without portfolio
Beth Gardner: standing as a director without portfolio
Adrian Goodhand: standing as a director without portfolio
Geoff Mason: standing as a director without portfolio
Chris Millett: standing as a director without portfolio
Mike Murphy: standing as a director without portfolio
Jonathan Cree: Standing for the position of Chair
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I have been involved with the groups that led up to the establishment of the FSA, including being chair of the GB FS Trainers Network from 2010 to 2012 and chair of the steering group that was set up by the Institute for Outdoor Learning FS Special Interest Group and Trainers Network that looked into the feasibility of establishing the FSA. Last July I was elected as chair for the first year of the FSA. I would like to stand again as I feel there is still much work to do to establish the FSA as the representative organisation for the movement, and, the organisation that ensures quality provision of training and supports practitioners in delivering quality FS programmes.
I see the FSA as an emergent organisation that, as with FS itself, is taking a step by step approach. Now it has most of the procedural and legal mechanisms in place, the FSA is at a stage where it is imperative to further engage and encourage the membership to shape the organisation.
While this task is daunting and is almost like a full time unpaid job on top of the paid day job, I have relished the forging of new relationships and would look forward to creating new partnerships and spreading an understanding about what quality FS looks like. It has been an incredible learning journey and it is this ‘learning’ aspect of chairing that I would love to continue.
I have seen FS literally changing people’s world view and deepening relationships both with the natural world and their own learning communities – it has been a privilege to witness this. I see the FSA helping further build this incredibly vibrant movement in a holistic democratic way that can truly celebrate our connections with the natural woodland communities in our neighbourhoods and enable deeper commitment to live in ecologically sustainable ways.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School).
I have been involved with FS since it was started in Worcestershire in 2000 at Bishop Wood, taking a watching brief and supporting, wherever appropriate, the county FS co-ordinator. In 2005 I bit the bullet and gained the level 3 award and since then ran FS programmes mainly for teenagers attending year-long programmes at the centre. These groups have largely come from special needs schools and pupil referral units. Two years later, in 2007 I was persuaded to start running the OCN accredited FS training at the centre and in 2012/13 we delivered 8 accredited FS courses.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
Having been involved with outdoor and environmental learning and training for over 30 years, working with organisations and individuals in the governmental and non governmental sector I feel I have a breadth of knowledge and practise to bring to the position of chairing the FSA. I have worked in nature conservation, working for wildlife trusts and English Nature, and then as an educator in local authorities. I have previously been a member of a number of national advisory bodies including the former Council for Environmental Education’s Youth advisory group and biodiversity education group, Teachers In Development Education working groups, Institute for Earth Education and the ‘Tales to Sustain’ group of storytellers/educators. In addition to this, being a schools governor helps me keep abreast of the challenges faced by schools, which brings an up to date knowledge of the challenges schools in particular face and how FS and the FSA can support/respond to these.
This last year has proved to be a steep learning curve. I would love to contribute to a consolidation of what the FSA has achieved to date and help build it further, providing some continuity in it’s early stages of development, and ‘knowing’ what we have to build on.
Although this first year has been a challenge as chair of a brand new organisation I now feel I have a ‘foundational experience’ which will put me in good stead to help the FSA further grow. I have had to improve my listening and reviewing skills, trying to take on board the often passionate and varied views both of the membership and directorship and take the sometimes difficult decisions a chair of any organisation is charged with.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
I work as a FS training provider within the local government sector. I have been asked to act as a voluntary advisor to the newly established Forest School Canada, which is now seeking a more formal relationship with the FSA. This is still to be defined.
Aline Hill: standing for the position of Deputy Chair
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
Having been a director for the previous year, I’d really like to continue the process and help us to build on the strong base that we’ve created together.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School).
I’ve been a FS practitioner since 2006 and a trainer since 2009. I’ve worked with a range of different client groups, from early years to adult mental health and well being.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
Having worked together with the rest of the directors over the last year, I feel we’ve established a sound framework and direction for the organisation, and an active core membership. I’m proud of the start that we’ve all made together on promoting quality Forest School for all.
I’d now like to bring my background knowledge and specific skills in marketing and editorial together to help research what benefits our members and prospective members would value, help build those benefits, and help promote membership of the FSA.
I’d like to help build strong working groups of directors and interested members and begin work together to achieve the above.
As a Scottish practitioner and trainer, based in central Scotland, I am committed to promoting the FSA and it’s key messages within Scotland – as a director I can do this at a more strategic level.
I have a special personal interest in Forest School research and would like to look at establishing research models for use within the community, and at collating and sharing results.
I’m interested in working with members to identify CPD needs and improvements to general training.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
I’m a member of the Forest School Training Cooperative
Clair Hobson: standing for the position of Company Secretary
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
Firstly, I am passionate about Forest School and the development of a professional organisation which represents its membership. I truly believe in the process which has got the FSA to this stage and proud to have been part of that. I feel the FSA will bring the FS community together, to ensure the professionalism and integrity of Forest School across the country and hopefully gain recognition at government level of this important area of education. I am happy to get on my soap box and lobby for Forest School to become an integral part of ALL education provisions.
I have held the position of Director on the Executive Board of the FSA for the past year and previously, an Executive Committee member of the IOL Forest School Special Interest Group since November 2009. I have shown tremendous commitment having attended and actively contributed to all but a few meetings over this time. I am fully committed to the professional development of the FSA and having been involved since prior to its formation, I would very much like to continue what I started helping the organisation move forward. I also feel it is important that if elected, I can be a representation in the South East to help with the continuing development of Forest School in this part of the country.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I am an independent Level 3 Forest School Practitioner and have run FS programmes for all age/ability groups over the past 5 years. I am also an independent Forest School trainer and OCNWMR accredited centre offering Levels 3, 2 and 1 Forest School training. I am a member of the Forest School Training Network GB – keen to be part of the national professional training network. Through our company, we also offer FS CPD, INSET days, consultancy and networking opportunities.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
I have run several companies over the years and currently I am a co-director with my partner Scott of our own company EarthCraftuk CIC; therefore have a wealth of commercial experience to offer the FSA. I am very conscious of the legal framework in which a business operates and if successfully voted on to the board, I would very much like to hold the position of Company Secretary ensuring the organisation is legally compliant.
I am also a confident speaker and happy to represent the FSA in the South East at conferences and events.
I live and breathe Forest School and passionate about facilitating the enormous transformational effect Forest School has on everyone involved – I truly believe Forest School changes lives and I therefore feel my passion and commitment to the FSA will contribute towards the development of an organisation which really does matter for the future of generations to come.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
Our company EarthCraftuk CIC offers Forest School training based in Kent which is a commercial business operating as a Community Interest Company.
Jane Acton: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
My personal rationale is to prepare for climate change as individuals and community. I am an ethnobotanist with 20 years experience working in community development, sustainable use of natural resources, child poverty and mental health. I have been a researcher in Peru and in the UK. I am part of a social enterprise called “nature workshops” based in West Cornwall which works with vulnerable and mainstream groups, proving the impact the natural world has on well being and learning for all ages. We use the Forest School model as a backdrop for everything we do and have specialists for paediatrics, play, teaching and youth work. We need to have much more learning taking place in the natural world and need to make many more natural spaces in which people can learn and grow.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I was sending staff to do Forest School training in 2007 and I completed mine in 2009. I have been practising for 3 years and manage a team of Forest School Level 3 session leaders. We also run Forest School Level 1, 2 and 3 training and are researching our practice with vulnerable adults and children via the Good from Wood project.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
I participate in various national projects (see list below) and was previously involved in the national roll out of the Sure Start local programs. I am rooted in an agenda which sees the needs of vulnerable people and threats to the earth’s ecosystems as one in the same agenda, and have been for 20 years. I hope these skills and approaches will benefit the FSA UK as it develops. Regardless of my re-election or not, I believe our role in researching what we do and collaborating with learning about sustainability in the UK to be critical.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
• Company Secretary for Earth Health Ltd.
Trading as nature workshops, company limited by guarantee, and ethnobotanist (20% paid, 80% volunteer)
• Director at APT Awards (volunteer)
• Director at Carn Brea Leisure Centre (volunteer)
• Working group member, Community and University Partnership UK (volunteer)
• FSA UK rep on ELSA (England’s Learning Sustainability Alliance) (volunteer)
• Active in Free Time Consortium (part of Play England) in my role as Company Secretary for Earth Health Ltd.
• Active in Transitions SW movement (volunteer)
Louise Ambrose: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
Having been part of the executive group of the FSA for an exciting first year, I would like to continue to support the organisation and its members in promoting & celebrating quality Forest School for all!
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I am a freelance Forest School trainer and practitioner. I also have coordinated Forest School developments for a local authority for the last 5 years. I have run FS programmes with most age groups – from EYs to teenagers.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
I am fairly addicted to Forest School! I believe passionately in its power to re-empower people and develop happier, healthier lives, as well as building communities. I feel that if we can connect likeminded people together within a united Forest School community we could be a catalyst for wider change – within education and society. I feel that I can support this vision using my experience of; coordinating & networking, working within a local authority, running businesses, previously working for environmental charities and schools.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
I am a Forest School training provider (& other types of outdoor learning training) – under the businesses of Forest School Training Co-op and Birchwood Learning
I am contracted by Norfolk County Council as a FS co-ordinator and FS practitioner.
Chris Brunton: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
To join and support a framework of:
a) Proselytisation
b) Encouragement of high quality
c) Succour to novice and developing FS leaders
d) Networking for FS leaders
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
• 36 years teaching experience: 33 in secondary special needs schools
• Nearly 30 years conservation/coppice work, leading groups in SSSI/National Nature Reserve sites
• Well over 30 years Outdoor Instructing experience and qualified in a wide variety of disciplines
• Held a Forest School L3 qualification since 2007
• Developed 6 Forest school sites in a variety of woodland environments
• Led 5 sessions a week throughout the year for 6 years
• Accessed approx. 60 children a week to Forest School experiences since 2007
• Led the winning Royal Forestry Society Schools Award bid 2011
• Led Creative Partnership projects for 3 years to Nursery, Year 1
and secondary Special Needs pupils
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
7/8 years of deep involvement with Leading Forest School sessions
Slightly more flexible time than those with full time jobs
Experience of helping/supporting others in setting up Forest Schools
Significant experience of working with Special Needs young people
I retired this summer from Head of Outdoor Education at a school for secondary aged pupils with ‘moderate learning difficulties and complex needs’.
I am keen to support the development of the ‘Forest School Association’ to promote and endorse the unique quality of Forest School leaders and their delivery to the highest possible standards. I’d like to give support to enable a broad spectrum of Forest School experience for the ever increasing number of young people across the country that are gaining access to a Forest School experience.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
None of which I am aware
Beth Gardner: standing as a director without portfolio
I am the Chief Executive of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, the national charity championing learning outside the classroom (LOtC).
The charity promotes LOtC and encourages young people to get out and about because research shows that children learn best through real life experiences. We believe that EVERY child should be given the opportunity to experience life and lessons beyond the classroom walls as a regular part of growing up. We ensure that more young people have access to these life changing educational experiences by providing support on the ground, facilitating the sharing of best practice and promoting the benefits of LOtC in raising attainment and aspirations, reducing truancy and re-motivating those who are disengaged from their education.
I work closely with partners from ten sectors, spanning school grounds through heritage to the natural environment and farming and countryside, and promote all types of LOtC including Forest School.
The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is the awarding body for the LOtC Quality Badge, which recognises external providers offering good quality LOtC provision and managing risk effectively, thereby decreasing health and safety bureaucracy for teachers. The Council also offers free online guidance to help teachers and youth leaders plan, run and implement effective LOtC experiences. In addition, CLOtC manages the Forest Education Network (FEN) for England contract, in partnership with The Natural Route, so I am heavily involved with all things related to forest education in the widest sense.
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I am experienced in setting up a charity from scratch, creating robust governance and working with Board members in establishing strategic direction from which to grow a successful organisation. I manage all aspects of my current organisation, from finance and HR to marketing and fundraising, bringing a range of relevant experience. I have been a Director of the emerging FSA for the last year, and have enjoyed working alongside a variety of partners to start to develop the emergent association and see it grow.
In addition, I have an MBA and a CIM postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, providing a robust theoretical background to accompany my practical experience.
I believe passionately in learning outside the classroom and the benefits for young people, and am an enthusiastic advocate for forest and woodland education.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I am an ecologist by training, and amongst other things have worked in partnerships alongside a variety of partners both within and alongside the natural environment sector. I spent several years as Director of Conservation and Marketing with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust – an organisation with a very strong education department and a successful Forest School training arm, committed to providing a wide range of high quality LOtC experiences for young people.
I manage the Forest Education Network for England, promoting and celebrating all types of woodland education from forest floor to shop floor, including Forest School.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
See “why am I standing” section.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
CEO of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
Vice chair of governors at Newton Burgoland Primary School
Adrian Goodhand: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I am standing for directorship as I believe the movement of Forest School requires a strong membership body to ensure associates have an opportunity to air voices and determine the direction of such an organisation. I feel strongly it is time that there are elements of standardisation required in training, practice and delivery. This will enable clients of Forest School Associates to be safe in the knowledge using an associate of the FSA they are therefore receiving a quality experience. I want to use my passion and enthusiasm for Forest School and outdoor environmental learning experiences to support and drive the Association forward through charitable status and establish a strong future for Forest School and the Associates. The ethos of Forest School has become important to me personally both away from and in work. It has fundamentally changed my way of teaching practice in formal environmental education and as a role as a level 2 swimming teacher and RLSS pool lifeguard trainer and assessor.
I want people to look at the FSA for their assurance of quality.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School).
I commenced my level 3 training in November 2010 and qualified in spring 2011. Since then I have been regularly running programmes which has included two 30 week programmes of 12 pupils with a special needs of years 4&5. Year 3 of this has commenced autumn 2013.
A six week programme with NEET youngsters.
Three six week annual programmes with three federated primary school consisting of 90 year 2 pupils. This utilises the majority of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Education staff, volunteers and parent helpers.
Seven programmes with north Hampshire Home Educated learners of various ages.
Organised 2 Forest school taster sessions for interested adults.
Assisted in non-teaching role with two Level 1 Forest school courses run by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.
Delivered Forest School INSET to a complete infant school staff in preparation for integrating Forest School in to school curriculum.
Attended two Forest School CPD courses spring 2013 ‘Advanced Tool use’ and ‘Working with Challenging Behaviour’
Assistant tutor Level 1 Forest school courses run by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
I have twenty years studying, researching, volunteering and working in the environment and ecology sector and the last 12 years educating about the environment, ecology and conservation. I have a strong commitment to conservation, in its broadest terms, which sits with environmental education and Forest School. This time is married with a drive, enthusiasm, commitment and long held passion for outdoor, experiential and environmental learning and now in particular Forest School.
I am an existing voluntary committee member on two vibrant and expanding local sport clubs in Dorset.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
I am employed by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, also a Member of Forest School South West regional group. FEN Somerset and Dorset member
Geoff Mason: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I was elected onto the FSA board at our first AGM in July 2012. I would relish the opportunity to continue in my role as I know there is still much good work to be carried out before we can say that we have a fully fledged national governing body for Forest School.
At this early stage in the organisation’s existence I firmly believe that consistency of membership within the Executive Board is very important. I understand the challenges we have faced up to this point and I also have an awareness of the hurdles we will encounter in the coming months and years.
I truly believe in the reasons why we have established the FSA and why the world of Forest School needs a strong and open national governing body. I am independent, frank and enthusiastic. Forest School has been good to me and I want to give something back.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I am a level 3 practitioner.
I founded my own Forest School company in February 2010 – it is the only independent provider of Forest School services on the Isle of Wight.
Since the establishment of the company I have worked continuously with many of the pre-schools, primaries and secondary schools on the Island. Forest School programmes have been delivered at private forests, public woodland and school premises.
I deliver Beach School programmes as well as train adults to be level 3 Beach School Practitioners.
I am an active member of the Institute for Outdoor Learning Forest School and Bushcraft Special Interest Groups.
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
As an independent practitioner I have understand the challenges faced by my fellow independent colleagues. I have faced the harsh realities of running my own company and endeavouring to generate enough business to keep operating.
As a small, relatively successful, independent practitioner I can bring my experiences and knowledge to the FSA to help and develop the work of both other independents and the wider world of Forest School. We have to operate within a commercial framework – many clients are feeling the financial squeeze and it is often ‘add-ons’, such as Forest School, which are easiest to cut. My experience of successfully selling Forest School services to cash strapped organisations can be called upon and shared with our wider community.
If re-elected I will bring continuity to the FSA board, a voice for independent practitioners, enthusiasm, an almost evangelical belief in the benefits of Forest School and a commitment to deliver an effective national governing body.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
I am the founder, managing director and sole employee of Wood Learn Forest School.
I work with Archimedes Training to deliver Beach School Practitioner Level 3 training.
I hold licences from both the Forestry Commission and The Woodland Trust to operate Forest School and Bushcraft programmes out of their woodlands on the Isle of Wight.
Chris Millett: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I will be representing the Institute for Outdoor Learning.
I am a Leading Practitioner with IOL and have worked for them as their Professional Development Manager in the past and as advisor to the Forest School SIG. I have been a director of the FSA for 2012/3.
I continue to work for IOL as an assessor and moderator of their accreditation levels. I also work for an LEA delivering BEL courses, DofE training, supervisor and assessments.
I also a governor of a local secondary school in South Gloucestershire and as a consultant and support working for DofE Worcestershire.
The FSA is very exciting development and I am grateful for the opportunity to support FS practitioners in moving their professionals forward.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
Mike Murphy: standing as a director without portfolio
Why you are standing for FSA directorship?
I’ve spent the last 9 years immersed in forest school; facilitating the woodland play and learning of children of all ages and abilities and have had the privilege of working with new forest school leaders and assistants to bring the forest school magic to their local wild place. I recognise the need for a successful professional body to maintain excellent standards and practice. I’m keen do my part to make this happen.
Your Forest School experience (and this is not necessarily a pre requisite but you will need to have some basic working knowledge of Forest School)
I trained as a forest school leader with Bridgwater College in 2004. Back then forest school was virtually unknown in the Southeast. At first we worked with secondary schools, engaging with at risk of exclusion students and those with learning difficulties. Pretty soon we were working with local nursery schools and local primary schools. Recognising that forest school was good for all we sought out groups from across the educational sector and now work with preschool children and their carers to adults with learning difficulties.
In 2008 we made the decision to offer level 1- 3 forest school training. Since then we have trained over 200 forest school leaders and assistants. We continue to work with nurseries, schools and colleges.
I’m also an active member of the FSTN
How you personally can benefit the FSA.
The Sussex Wildlife Trust recognises the need for a successful professional body to represent forest schools nationally. Therefore I’m able to commit some of my core hours. I’ve helped fledgling forest schools in other Wildlife Trusts particularly Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Surrey and Kent, through training and on going support. Nationally I’ve worked hard to promote the forest school ethos. All this means that I’m connected nationally through The Wildlife Trusts and can therefore promote the FSA to one of the largest providers of environmental education in the country.
Please declare any special interests or affiliations with other organisations in the Forest School sector including commercial, public sector or voluntary.
1.The Wildlife Trusts