29th May 2020, 8-9.30pm.

This ceremony is open to anyone who was on the first webinar and anyone else who feels drawn to it*.
This is an opportunity to drop into the expression of grief, whatever that is for you in the moment. We will create a safe space together, and move through a gentle process, giving time for short sharings, integration and post ritual buddying-up support.
Rebecca will be offering this second session on a donation basis. Pay whatever you feel you’d like to and can at this time. Please see below for how to do this via Paypal.
*Please note that while we welcome all of you it is possible that you experience PTSD or some kind of trauma response when in strong emotional spaces. We need to be clear that we cannot give you individual support during an online call and we are not trauma specialists. If you are aware of this being a part of your very human experience then we wholeheartedly invite you to seek specialist support. We wish you well and much courage for the journey you are on and we want you to know that we consider it a vital part of our collective experience that offers gifts to all of life.
This is a different offer to our standard ‘Webinar Wednesday’ programme and will be facilitated by Rebecca with its own format.
Rebecca is a Guide, Facilitator and Ceremonialist of Nature-based Wisdom, Cultural Healing and Soul Initiation. Her offering could be described as Eco-therapy and she’s a Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide and Cultural Mentor. She believes in the power of ceremony, community and sitting in circle for deep healing and authentic connection. Her passion is in remembering Wholeness and finding creative ways to explore that. https://naturewisdom.life/
To donate to Rebecca for facilitating this for us:
- Please log into Paypal – www.paypal.com
- Select ‘Send and Request’ from the main menu
- Select ‘send’ from the submenu
- Type in Rebecca’s email address – [email protected] & hit next button
- Type in the amount you would like to donate & hit continue button
To register for the ‘Tending Grief’ online ceremony follow the link below.
Registration here or follow the direct zoom link below
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you do not receive one within 24 hours of registration please email [email protected] and he will do his best to help you out. This service will stop 20 mins before the webinar begins.