The Institute of Outdoor Learning is leading a piece of work funded by the Blagrave Trust to identify evidence of the impact of Outdoor Learning in the UK. The review will lead to a report that will be published in the Autumn and will be freely available.  In addition workshops will be delivered to enable all practitioners to use effective impact evaluation and reporting techniques.

If you generate evidence of your work’s impact and are able to contribute to this study or are interested in this please see further information below

The Institute for Outdoor Learning is working with the Blagrave Trust on a study into  the impact of Outdoor Learning, that the Trust is sponsoring. The aim of this work is identify what impact measuring and reporting current takes place in the sector.

Are you involved with trying to measure the impact of your own or your colleagues work?

Are you working with a provider of outdoor learning to measure impact and/or produce a report?

If you are aware of any outdoor learning impact reporting produced since 2004 please send a copy or a description of the report to Professor Sandy Oliver


UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL

The work will benefit the sector generally, not just the Blagrave Trust. It is being conducted by Caroline Fiennes of Giving Evidence and the EPPI-Centre at UCL Institute of Education. It will result in a report that will be freely available later this year. 

What kind of impact reports are we looking for?

  • Detailed descriptions; before and after studies; controlled trials.
  • Systematic reviews of outdoor learning research.
  • Surveys of outdoor practice in the UK.

Important : the report does not need to have been produced by an academic institution and may be an interim report in on-going project.

For further information on this study see Outdoor Learning in 2015

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