This page contains the various outputs of the 2013 national Forest School conference held at Derwent Hill OEC, Cumbria, on the 12th and 13th October. It includes:
- Video of the keynote talk given by Tim Gill
- Audio of the keynote talk given by Margot Sunderland
- Notes and references relating to Margot Sunderland’s presentation
- Mel McCree’s presentation on ‘Values, co-operation, and competition’
- Some closing words and activities with Jon Cree
- The Ukrainian Frog Song … you had to be there.
FSA October 2013 Final Conference Report
Links to conference photographs as they come in (presently on the home page).
Please do not share the YouTube video links (they can not be found through YouTube itself, only from this page) – These videos are an important resource and benefit for FSA members. The FSA has invested time and money into producing them. If you share them it undermines the value that we can offer to our members. If you think a non-member would benefit from seeing the material here please encourage them to join the FSA for as little as £25 / year.
FSA Patron, Tim Gill, was a keynote speaker at the first national FSA conference held at Derwent Hill OEC, Cumbria on 12th and 13th October 2013. Tim is one of the UK’s leading thinkers on childhood, and an effective advocate for positive change in children’s everyday lives. For over 15 years his writing, research, consultancy projects and other work has focused on the changing nature of childhood, children’s play and free time, and their evolving relationships with the people and places around them. Tim was Director of the Children’s Play Council (now Play England) from 1997 to 2004. In 2002 he was seconded to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to lead the first ever Government-sponsored review of children’s play. The review was chaired by Frank Dobson and shaped the Big Lottery Fund’s subsequent £155 million Children’s Play Initiative funding programme.
Tim Gill – Keynote address at national Forest School Association conference Derwent Hill 2013
Tim Gill Keynote FSA 2013 conference
Dr Margot Sunderland was also a keynote speaker at the 2013 Forest School Association national conference. Dr Sunderland is the author of many books including ‘What every parent should know’ . She is concerned to ensure that parents, teachers and mental health professionals alike, are offered the most up-to-date psychological and brain science research on how children and young people can be enabled to thrive. Dr Margot Sunderland is Director of Education and Training at The Centre for Child Mental Health London, Honorary Visiting Fellow at London Metropolitan University, Associate Member of the Royal College of Medicine, and Child Psychotherapist with over thirty years experience of working with children and families.
Margot Sunderland – Keynote address at national Forest School Association conference Derwent Hill 2013
Mel McCree talks about ‘values, co-operation and competition’ at the FSA national conference 2013
Mel McCree FSA Conference 2013 Presentation
Closing words from Jon Cree and the Forest School conference choir practice the Ukrainian Frog Song
Listen to the FSA conference choir sing the ‘Ukrainian Frog Song’ – press play below
Richard Irvine – Values, Policies and Actions
Richard Irvine Values, Politics and Action FSA 2013 conference presentation