FSA Director Sarah Lawfull writes:

It was great to be part of the Forest Education Network (FEN) Steering group. We met this week in Birmingham to reflect on this year’s conference ‘Putting the Forestry Back into Forest Education‘ and look at what delegates think may be needed for the future. Please look out for further consultation with FEN. Jen Hurst, chairing, reminded us of the FEN story, identifying key people and events leading up to its creation, alongside the FSA, in 2012.

It was inspiring to hear about the exciting work going on around the country with our different partners, to engage families, educators, children and young people in tree planting, woodland creation and management alongside promoting the health and well-being of people.

Have you seen the FEN Primary Forest and Woodland Teaching Resource Pack which may be a useful resource for using back in school to build on the motivation and passion for learning Forest School promotes? Learning about trees, threats, management and their ecology so that we are able to care for our sites was an important aspect of the conference, greatly appreciated by attendees.

Did you know that it is free to join this great network which brings together people from all sectors of Forest Education, including the FSA, Woodland Trust, RFS, Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, Forestry England, Institution of Chartered Foresters? All of whom contribute to the national picture. Join here.

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