Institute of Outdoor Learning staff have added up the votes cast in the 2015 election for FSA directors. These are a combination of votes by email and votes cast at the AGM last weekend. The results are as follows.
Number of eligible voters = 661
Number of voters = 63
Election turnout = 9.5% (9% in 2014, 12% in 2013)
Number of votes received for each candidate:
Louise Ambrose – 58 (92% of the vote)
Mike Flinn – 47 (75% of the vote)
Elly Dolan – 51 (81% of the vote)
Seb Corall – 48 (76% of the vote)
Darren Lewis – 45 (71% of the vote)
All candidates received more than 50% of the vote and so are duly elected to the FSA board by the FSA membership.
Gareth Davies (CEO)
Gareth please will you open the forum up so I can start a thread and get off Facebook … I’ll field it all
Mike – the forum cannot go up until we have agreed the set of guidelines for the forum which will be done at the next directors meeting
I’m baffled .. I thought it was taken down because of the need to consider the complaints strategy … Was the board involved in that decision ? What other guidelines are on the agenda ?